Other Chaco resources

Further Reading and resources

You can also learn more about Chaco:

Built-in tutorials

For more details on how to use Chaco to embed powerful plotting functionality inside applications, refer to the Tutorials, webinars, and examples page. In particular, some tutorial examples were added into the examples/tutorials/scipy2008/ directory. These examples are numbered and introduce concepts one at a time, going from a simple line plot to building a custom overlay with its own trait editor and reusing an existing tool from the built-in set of tools. You can browse them on the GitHub repository at: https://github.com/enthought/chaco/tree/master/examples/tutorials . Finally, it is recommended to explore the examples (Annotated Examples section) as they are regularly updated to reflect the most recent changes and recommended ways to use Chaco.

Enthought webinars

The video webinars given in as part of the Enthought webinar series cover building interactive plotting using Chaco. If you are an EPD user, you can find the video, the slides, and the demo code for each webinar covering Chaco.


There have been several presentations on Chaco at previous PyCon and SciPy conferences:

Developers references and API Docs

For developers and architects,

Project Versions

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